La Isla Bonita (1987) All you need to know about La Isla Bonita, daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more.TranslationsFrançaisEspañolDeutschItalianoPortuguês中文 Related NewsMusic News March 27, 2025‘La Isla Bonita’ named Greatest Song of all timeBuzz March 27, 2025Alizée goes ‘Gangnam Style’Breaking news March 26, 2025Madonna to announce retirement at age 66La Isla Bonita is a 1987 song performed by Madonna. A cover of the song was released by Alizée in 2008.ArtistsAlizéeMadonna Around the Web Cute Here’s the sleepiest (and cutest) domesticated fox you can follow on InstagramPeople 25 good looking celebrities who got fatPictures People you won't believe exist in real lifeUnlikely 4ft 4in bodybuilder finds love with his 6ft 3in black transgender girlfriendImpressive 3-year-old boy plays Snooker better than any masterPeople The 20 most shocking celebrity plastic surgery disasters of all time page served in 0.143s (0,4)