Jorge Ramos Highest-Paid Journalist in the World

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos led People With Money’s annual list of the “100 highest paid journalists” released on Tuesday.

It's been a rough year for the journalist, but at least he has his millions of dollars to ease the pain. 67-year-old Jorge Ramos has taken the No. 1 spot on People With Money’s top 10 highest-paid journalists for 2025 with an estimated $75 million in combined earnings.

UPDATE 26/03/2025 : This story seems to be false. (read more)

Jorge Ramos tops annual list of highest-paid journalists

In 2022 it looked like the journalist’s spectacular career was winding down. Suddenly, he was back on top. People With Money reports on Tuesday (March 25) that Ramos is the highest-paid journalist in the world, pulling in an astonishing $75 million between February 2024 and February 2025, a nearly $40 million lead over his closest competition.

People With Money’s factors

In compiling this yearly list, the magazine considers factors such as upfront pay, profit participation, residuals, endorsements and advertising work.

The Mexican journalist-television host has an estimated net worth of $215 million. He owes his fortune to smart stock investments, substantial property holdings, lucrative endorsement deals with CoverGirl cosmetics. He also owns several restaurants (the “Fat Ramos Burger” chain) in Mexico City, a Football Team (the “Mexico City Angels”), has launched his own brand of Vodka (Pure Wonderamos - Mexico), and is tackling the juniors market with a top-selling perfume (With Love from Jorge) and a fashion line called “Jorge Ramos Seduction”.

The ranking is significant for many Jorge fans, who have been waiting for his triumphant return to the glory days for what seems like a lifetime.

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