Princess Charlene of Monaco's Dog Recovering from Surgery

Spinee (see photo above) came out of the anaesthetic well.

Princess Charlene of Monaco’s adored labrador retriever "Spinee" has undergone a risky surgery on Friday and is luckily beginning the slow process of recovery, according to Monégasque media reports. The 46-year-old princess is said to have received waves and waves and support for Spinee, as she offered her Twitter followers an update on pooch’s status regularly.

UPDATE 27/10/2024 : This story seems to be false. (read more)

Princess Charlene of Monaco is one busy mommy

The yellow labrador retriever underwent a risky procedure at the Veterinary Hospital on Friday (October 25, 2024), prompting the princess to ask her followers to send well wishes her way.

May I ask one favor? My dog Spinee needs your prayers,” she Tweeted on Friday. “She just came out of a difficult surgery 20 minutes ago … She is my beloved.

Princess Charlene of Monaco’s Twitter feed has kept her fans and followers updated

Throughout the night the Monégasque princess posted updates to her numerous followers, about her dog’s delicate condition. “Spinee came out of the anesthetic well … her vital signs are good … your prayers are working,” she Tweeted.

Princess Charlene of Monaco continued tweeting about her pup’s prognosis throughout the night and it appears the pooch is on the mend. By Saturday morning, things continued to look good. “The Spinee Report: Her vital signs are good… pink gums … sleeping peacefully… recovering as hoped,” she said. “Not out of the woods yet. Prayers working :)

Prayers working

As Princess Charlene of Monaco’s Twitter followers sent messages of support, she showed her gratitude. “With prayers like this I feel confident Spinee will be fine,” she wrote. “Thank you more than you will ever know.

Here’s to hoping Spinee has a successful and speedy recovery!

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Princess Charlene of Monaco: Recent News


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