Annie Cordy
Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about Annie Cordy.

Annie Cordy
1928 - 2020
Annie Cordy was a Belgian singer, best known for hit songs like Cho ka ka o or Tata Yoyo. She died on September 4, 2020 in Vallauris, aged 92.
Quick Facts
- Name: Annie Cordy
- Occupation: singer
- Born: June, 16 1928 in Brussels
- Died: September, 4 2020 in Vallauris (aged 92)
- Citizenship: Belgium
Selected Filmography
2008: Disco (Fabien Onteniente): Mrs. Graindorge
1974: The Holes (Pierre Tchernia): Ginette Lalatte
1970: Rider on the Rain (René Clément): Juliette
Selected Discography
1985: Cho ka ka o
1980: Tata Yoyo
The latest
news- RumorsAMP™, | [March 2025 update] News of Annie Cordy’s death on September 4, 2020 stunned the world. Ever since, millions of fans worldwide have come to believe the singer’s death was a hoax and that she was still alive and well.Read It »
- Annie CordyAMP™, | According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Friday, March 7), ‘The Holes’ is now considered to be the Greatest Film in the History of Cinema.Read It »