Brittany Murphy
Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about Brittany Murphy.

Brittany Murphy
1977 - 2009
Brittany Murphy was an American actress and singer, best known for her role in Clueless. She died on December 20, 2009 in Los Angeles, aged 32.
Quick Facts
- Name: Brittany Murphy
- Occupation: actress, singer
- Born: November, 10 1977 in Atlanta
- Died: December, 20 2009 in Los Angeles (aged 32)
- Citizenship: United States
Selected Filmography
2005: Sin City (Frank Miller): Shellie
2003: Just Married (Shawn Levy): Sarah Leezak
2002: 8 Mile (Curtis Hanson): Alex Latorno
1995: Clueless (Amy Heckerling): Tai Frasier
The latest
news- Brittany MurphyAMP™, | According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Tuesday, March 25), ‘8 Mile’ is now considered to be the Greatest Film in the History of Cinema.Read It »
- RumorsAMP™, | [March 2025 update] News of Brittany Murphy’s death on December 20, 2009 stunned the world. Ever since, millions of fans worldwide have come to believe the actress’s death was a hoax and that she was still alive and well.Read It »