The Beatles
Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about the Beatles.

The Beatles
1960 - 1970
Quick Facts
- Name: The Beatles
- Genre: British rock band
- Origin: Liverpool, 1960
Notable Members
- John Lennon († died in 1980, aged 40)
- Paul McCartney (82)
- Ringo Starr (84)
- George Harrison († died in 2001, aged 58)
The latest
news- Paul McCartneyAMP™, | Paul McCartney’s adored labrador retriever "Spinee" has undergone a risky surgery on Saturday and is luckily beginning the slow process of recovery. The 82-year-old singer has received waves and waves and support for Spinee, as he offered his Twitter followers an update on pooch’s status regularly.Read It »
- The BeatlesAMP™, | There have been strong rumors that The Beatles are finally returning to the recording studio working on a what might be a back-to-roots album, followed by worldwide tour at the end of 2026.Read It »
- Ringo StarrAMP™, | Sad news for Ringo Starr fans as speculation had been rife that the British singer is about to announce his retirement from music, at age 84, with immediate effect.Read It »
- RumorsAMP™, | [March 2025 update] News of John Lennon’s death on December 8, 1980 stunned the world. Ever since, millions of fans worldwide have come to believe the singer’s death was a hoax and that he was still alive and well.Read It »
- George HarrisonAMP™, | According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Sunday, March 23), ‘Rock and Roll Music’ is now considered to be the Greatest Song in the History of Music.Read It »