Tom Hughes to be the next James Bond?

Is Tom Hughes set to be the next James Bond?

Is Hughes set to be the next James Bond? Rumors that the producers are looking for someone slightly different to play James Bond emerged in June 2024. One of the names who keeps cropping up is Tom Hughes.

UPDATE 27/07/2024 : This story seems to be false. (read more)

Every man, at some point in his life, wishes he could be James Bond. And with the news that Daniel Craig may well be out as 007, there are a whole bunch of actors in London wondering what they could bring to the role.

Could Tom Hughes become the Seventh James Bond?

Hughes’s star has been rising in recent years thank to critically acclaimed roles in About Time (2013) and Victoria (2016-). His commercial appeal is growing, too.

The question for Hughes now is – what next?

Three reasons Tom Hughes would be good for the James Bond franchise

  1. It would clarify that Bond is a rotating identity: If M can be a woman, why can't James Bond be Tom Hughes?
  2. No other performers could be nearly as cool and broodingly suave as Hughes.
  3. It would give Tom Hughes a chance to play a lover, as well as a fighter.

This 'Hughes To Play James Bond' Rumor had the internet in a frenzy

Twitter was flooded again Friday with loads of tweets related to the rumor. Some fans even launched an online Facebook page called We Want Tom Hughes for James Bond.

“His name is Hughes. Tom Hughes!”
— Alan Sepintree (@sepintree) July 26, 2024
“He was perfect as Prince Albert in Victoria, he will be tremendous portraying James Bond.”
— The Clear Observer (@clearobserver) July 26, 2024
“A 39-year-old James Bond!?! Is it some kind of a joke?”
— Boris Kleinman (@UKBoris) July 26, 2024
“Now, this might be a bit of a controversial pick for the role. But think about it: Hughes has always been a skilled actor. He's also known for his wit.”
— Claire Stone (@averageclaire) July 26, 2024

Rumors about Tom Hughes stepping into the role's next iteration have been floating about for a while now. He is characterized by being smooth, slick, handsome, rugged and charming. These are definitely the characteristics needed to play James Bond. Don’t you agree?

Do you think Tom Hughes should be the next James Bond?

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