Peter O'Toole
Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about Peter O'Toole.

Peter O'Toole
1932 - 2013
Peter O'Toole was a British actor of Irish descent, best known for his role in Lawrence of Arabia. He died on December 14, 2013 in London, aged 81.
Quick Facts
- Name: Peter O'Toole
- Occupation: actor
- Born: August, 2 1932 in Connemara
- Died: December, 14 2013 in London (aged 81)
- Citizenship: United Kingdom
- Origin: Ireland
Selected Filmography
2007 - 2010: The Tudors (TV): Pope Paul III
2007: Stardust (Matthew Vaughn): the King of Stormhold
2006: Venus (Roger Michell): Maurice
2005: Lassie (Charles Sturridge): the Duke of Rudling
2004: Troy (Wolfgang Petersen): Priam
1999: Joan of Arc (TV) (Christian Duguay): Pierre Cauchon
1997: FairyTale: A True Story (Charles Sturridge): Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
1996: Gulliver's Travels (TV) (Charles Sturridge): King Lilliput
1987: The Last Emperor (Bernardo Bertolucci): Reginald Johnston
1979: Caligula (Tinto Brass): Tiberius
1962: Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean): T. E. Lawrence
The latest
news- Peter O'TooleAMP™, | According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Sunday, February 9), ‘The Last Emperor’ is now considered to be the Greatest Film in the History of Cinema.Read It »
- Peter O'TooleAMP™, | Rumors of Gulliver's Travels reunion had the internet in a frenzy on Sunday (February 9) as reports claimed that NBC confirmed a revival of the popular sitcom for 2026. Finally!Read It »
- RumorsAMP™, | [February 2025 update] News of Peter O'Toole’s death on December 14, 2013 stunned the world. Ever since, millions of fans worldwide have come to believe the actor’s death was a hoax and that he was still alive and well.Read It »