Richard Attenborough

Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about Richard Attenborough.

Richard Attenborough
Richard Attenborough
1923 - 2014

Richard Attenborough was a British actor, director and business man, best known for his roles in Jurassic Park or The Great Escape and best known for the movie Gandhi. He died on August 24, 2014 in London, aged 90.

Quick Facts

  • Name: Richard Attenborough
  • Full name: Richard Samuel Attenborough
  • Occupation: actor, director, business man
  • Born: August, 29 1923 in Cambridge
  • Died: August, 24 2014 in London (aged 90)
  • Citizenship: United Kingdom

Selected Filmography

As director :

As actor :


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