Stan Lee
Daily updated news, gossip, rumors, pictures, videos and more about Stan Lee.

Stan Lee
1922 - 2018
Stan Lee was an American author and screenwriter, best known as Marvel Comics ex-boss. He died on November 12, 2018 in Los Angeles, aged 95.
Quick Facts
- Name: Stan Lee
- Full name: Stanley Martin Lieber
- Occupation: author, screenwriter
- Born: December, 28 1922 in New York
- Died: November, 12 2018 in Los Angeles (aged 95)
- Citizenship: United States
Selected Filmography
As actor :
- 2017: Spider-Man: Homecoming (Jon Watts)
- 2016: X-Men: Apocalypse (Bryan Singer)
2016: Captain America: Civil War (Anthony & Joe Russo)
2015: Ant-Man (Peyton Reed)
2014: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Marc Webb)
2014: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Anthony & Joe Russo)
2013: Iron Man 3 (Shane Black): himself
2012: The Avengers (Joss Whedon)
2010: Iron Man 2 (Jon Favreau): himself
2007: Spider-Man 3 (Sam Raimi): himself
2006: X-Men: The Last Stand (Brett Ratner)
2005: Fantastic Four (Tim Story): Willie Lumpkin
2004: Spider-Man 2 (Sam Raimi): himself
2002: Spider-Man (Sam Raimi): himself
1972 - 1996: Marvel Comics
The latest
news- AMP™, | According to the latest Watch and Listen magazine poll just out yesterday (Monday, March 24), ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ is now considered to be the Greatest Film in the History of Cinema.Read It »
- RumorsAMP™, | [March 2025 update] News of Stan Lee’s death on November 12, 2018 stunned the world. Ever since, millions of fans worldwide have come to believe the author’s death was a hoax and that he was still alive and well.Read It »